We all know people who seem to have the perfect lives. Those people who have tons of friends, money, a good looking girlfriend or boyfriend – they seem to have it all! But one day it all comes crashing down around them and we see that they didn't build their lives on a firm foundation. As long as it's nice weather, you can build any old place. But when the storms come (and they will), you have to have a firm foundation. The foundation of Christ will stand through any storm.
Take a look at our theme verse for this series in Matthew 7:24-27:
“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”
You may recall from last week that we are asking you to memorize this section of scripture. Yes, we are still asking that you memorize it. And, anyone who memorizes all four verses by the end of the series will receive a prize from Pastor Dan! A real prize guaranteed, double your money back! Now, back to the message.
Legos are a microcosm of Spiritual life. When you buy a Lego kit, you get a picture on the front – you have vision. Then you open the box and realize that the pieces are extremely small, and there are a lot of them. Several hours of frustration later, you end up with something kind of resembling the picture on the box and a few pieces left over.
Next you take apart what you just made, and remake it into something else entirely. Maybe a rainbow cube, rainbow gun or rainbow ninja star. Everything is a rainbow because of all the random colored Lego bricks.
The house that Jesus is talking about in this passage is not a real house. He's talking about our lives. He's talking about building your life on something solid. When you build a house, whether it's a Lego house or a real house, there are thousands of decisions to make. Some small, some major. In life there are thousands of decisions to make, again, some big and some small. And just like with Lego houses and real houses, it's hard to be successful without a good plan. The minute the directions get tossed out, it's hard to come up with a plan. In real home construction the plan is called a blueprint.
Take a look at what 1 Corinthians 1:25 says about plans:
This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God’s weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength.
The best of human plans, Lego or otherwise, are foolish compared to how amazing God's plans are.
God has a plan for your life. And His plan didn't get ripped up or thrown away like those Lego directions usually do. His plan is laid out perfectly for your life. It's the best for you. It takes into account the big picture, unlike most of our plans. God's plan is not a one week big picture or a one year big picture. It's a fifty year plan, a hundred year plan, a thousand year plan. God has a plan, He has a blueprint. He is the Master architect and designer.
God has a plan for you! He has a blueprint for you! But it's not like He's a master puppeteer pulling your strings and controlling your movements. You have the power to choose.
There are other blueprints out there. The get famous, get rich, get laid, be a good person, be successful or be popular blueprints. Many times these plans take parts of God's plan, and insert them into their own plans, thinking that will make it right.
It can be hard when faced with a choice between what you want to do and what's right, to think about the big picture and do what's right. But God sees the big picture. He knows the best plan to get you through to the other side successfully.
Pastor Dan has seen many teens come through Rev Church and make poor decisions at age 14,15,16,17, etc. and he's seen their lives ruined by these bad choices. All because they didn't want to see the big picture, to submit to God's blueprint! Those compromises, and cut corners have consequences for years to come! God has a different perspective, He sees for years to come. He sees the future trouble or future blessing that can come from choices we make now.
God's blueprint is the best one. He makes much better blueprints than people do. He doesn't cut corners, use cheap materials or a quick fix. It's not fast or easy, but when you build with His blueprint the house stands the test of time. When you follow the blueprint of the world, it looks nice at first. All flashy and shiny. But as the years go by, the shoddy materials start to show themselves. But God has an eternal perspective! His materials will stand the test of time!
God's blueprints will leave you with something to live with, something to be proud of 10 years from now. It doesn't matter what you've done wrong in the past. Today you have a chance to build with God's blueprint, to create a strong, healthy future.
In closing let's look at Jeremiah 29:11:
I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
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